The Best Countries for Affordable Plastic Surgery in 2024

As a plastic surgery expert, I am often asked about the cheapest places to get plastic surgery. While there are many factors to consider when choosing a location for plastic surgery, cost is definitely a major one. After extensive research and experience, I have compiled a list of the top 9 countries for affordable plastic surgery in 2024.


Mexico is a popular destination for medical tourism, and for good reason. The cost of living is much lower in Mexico compared to other countries, making it an attractive option for those seeking affordable plastic surgery.

Additionally, Mexican plastic surgeons are highly qualified and often trained in prestigious institutions.

Costa Rica

Another popular destination for medical tourism, Costa Rica offers high-quality plastic surgery at a fraction of the cost in other countries. The country is known for its beautiful beaches and lush rainforests, making it an ideal place to recover after surgery.


Colombian plastic surgeons are renowned for their expertise and often hold board certifications from prestigious institutions.

The cost of living in Colombia is also significantly lower than in North America or Europe, making it an affordable option for plastic surgery.

The Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is another popular destination for medical tourism, with many patients traveling there for affordable plastic surgery. The country boasts highly qualified surgeons and modern facilities, making it a reliable choice for those seeking plastic surgery.


Turkey has become a hub for medical tourism in recent years, attracting patients from all over the world.

The cost of living is much lower in Turkey compared to other European countries, and the country is known for its advanced aesthetic clinics and highly qualified plastic surgeons.


Croatia may not be the first country that comes to mind when thinking about plastic surgery, but it is quickly gaining popularity as a top destination for affordable procedures. The country offers safe and reliable plastic surgery, with highly qualified surgeons and modern facilities.


Thailand has long been known as a popular destination for medical tourism, and plastic surgery is no exception.

The cost of living is significantly lower in Thailand compared to North America or Europe, and the country is home to many skilled and experienced plastic surgeons.

South Korea

South Korea is known for its advanced technology and innovative procedures, making it a top destination for plastic surgery. While the cost of living may be higher compared to other countries on this list, the quality of care and expertise of South Korean plastic surgeons make it a worthwhile option for those seeking affordable plastic surgery.


India is another country that may not immediately come to mind when thinking about plastic surgery, but it is quickly gaining recognition as a top destination for affordable procedures.

The cost of living in India is significantly lower compared to North America or Europe, and the country boasts highly qualified plastic surgeons.


While not included in the original list, I cannot talk about affordable plastic surgery without mentioning Poland. The country has become a hub for medical tourism, attracting around 70% of foreign patients seeking aesthetic procedures. The cost of living in Poland is much lower compared to other European countries, and the Warsaw Aesthetic Clinic is known as one of the most reliable places for plastic surgery in the country.

In conclusion, while there are many factors to consider when choosing a location for plastic surgery, cost is definitely an important one. These 9 countries offer high-quality plastic surgery at affordable costs, making them top destinations for those seeking aesthetic procedures. Whether you are looking for a beach getaway in Mexico or a cultural experience in India, these countries have something to offer for everyone.